Benno’s Candidacy for the 2024 Presidential Election: Amadou Ba, the Leader’s Choice

Amadou Ba is Macky’s choice for the Benno coalition for the Presidential of 2024! Who would’ve believed that? Almost everybody. Prime Minister, Amadou Ba has established himself as the only solution despite the desires of other contenders for the presidential nomination. So, it was a long and false suspense for those who knew the underside of this choice. If the departure of Mr. Aly Ngouille Ndiaye is confirmed, Macky’s decision risks provoking some resistance, particularly in the ranks of his own party, the Alliance for the Republic (Apr).   

For the allies, this will not be a pill to swallow. They agreed with the decision because Moustapha Niasse was the software chosen to evaluate the different profiles. Aminata Mbengue Ndiaye is not also in another logic. For Amadou Ba, the hardest part begins: consolidating Bby’s ranks, keeping power and facing the opposition which has found its target. There remains one last question: will he remain Prime Minister when the reshuffle has become evident?

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